Our church is made up of people from all walks of life and from many different nations. We love diversity and we love to see new people walk through our doors. We really hope that you will feel right at home. Our worship is dynamic and lively with a mix of older hymns and more contemporary songs as we seek to lift up His name together. We expect God to meet with us and speak to us. We are also very active in our local community, sharing the Good News on a weekly basis.
We believe in living out our Christian faith as effectively as possible, having an impact on those who have not yet heard or experienced the great news about Jesus Christ. We believe we should share the good news about Jesus, equip people in their faith journey and see them live out their faith in the world.
Our General Statement of Faith
That Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, and the only Saviour from sin.
That Jesus Christ is the Healer of the body through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ.
That Jesus Christ is the Baptiser with the Holy Spirit.
That Jesus Christ is the Soon Coming King.
That Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Bryan & Christina Richmond
Senior Pastor
Luciano & Renee Pasquini
Outreach Coordinator
God uses normal people to achieve extraordinary things…
1953 - Pastor Wayman Mitchell (Founder of the fellowship) becomes a follower of Jesus Christ.
1970s - Pastor Mitchell takes over a small church in Prescott. During this time, the Jesus people movement is happening and people all over America are becoming followers of Jesus Christ.
1973 - Pastor Mitchell sends a couple for the first time to start a Potter’s House church in a different location.
1978 - First time Pastor Mitchell sends a couple to another nation, Australia.
1985 - A couple are sent from Perth Australia to East London.
1999 - The Walthamstow church sends couples around the UK including Nottingham.